
19 July 2024

  • Upgraded the main generative model to OpenAI ChatGPT-4o mini.

09 June 2024

  • Added support for, enabling you to generate all types of articles for Booking offers. This feature allows you to monetize sales through the Booking affiliate program. Note that the Affiliate Egg plugin is required.

04 April 2024

  • Added support for You can now generate Roundups, Reviews, and other types of articles for Etsy products and monetize sales with the Etsy affiliate program. Note: The Affiliate Egg plugin is required.

29 March 2024

  • Added Pixabay featured images for posts, with images licensed under the CC0 License, allowing free use of the images.

  • Introduced a slug generator for post URLs, excluding stop words and keeping URLs short.

  • Implemented a tags generator to enhance internal linking for posts.

  • The 'Product quantity level' setting now includes an option to "disable products for info articles", helping maintain a balance between informational articles without affiliate links and product-focused articles.

24 March 2024

  • Added feature to use the phrase "under XX" in keywords for filtering article products by maximum price. For example, "gaming laptop under $1000". This is best suited for Roundups but applicable to all article types.

21 March 2024

  • Article Size Feature Added: Users can now select article sizes: Large, Medium, or Small.

05 March 2024

  • Product Comparison Articles: Enhanced capability to compare two or three products within a niche.

11 November 2023

  • AI Comment Generator: Introduced two modes for generating comments: Basic and Advanced.

17 October 2023

  • Product Quantity Level: Introduced settings for minimum, average, and maximum to customize the number of affiliate links in articles.

  • Article Layout and Generation Enhancements: Major improvements in article structure, ensuring seamless integration of different sections for a cohesive reading experience.

09 October 2023

  • Post Scheduler with Post Frequency Feature: Added functionality to schedule posts and set frequency, optimizing content management.

04 September 2023

  • Manual Product List: Users can now input a list of product ASINs to generate articles, offering greater control over content generation.

20 August 2023

  • New Article Type - How To Guides: Expanded content variety with the introduction of how-to guides.

  • Content Egg Pro Integration Optional: Removed the requirement for Content Egg Pro, allowing for the creation of text-based articles without the need for integrating affiliate products.

10 August 2023

  • Manual Mode Article Number Adjustment: Added the ability to set the number of articles for each type in manual mode.

  • Point of View Selection: Included options for first person singular, first person plural, second person, and third person narratives, allowing for diverse article perspectives.

01 July 2023

  • Initial Release: Launch of the Too Much Niche plugin, providing a robust solution for niche article creation and management.

Last updated