Quick start

1. Preparation steps with Content Egg

You can skip this step if you're creating text-based articles without integrating affiliate products.

  1. Install and activate the Content Egg Pro plugin.

  2. Activate one of the "main" modules supported in Too Much Niche: Amazon, Amazon No API, Bolcom or Etsy.com, Booking.com (Affiliate Egg integration).

  3. Optional: Activate an "secondary" module like Ebay or any other relevant keyword search module with desired settings.

  4. Verify that both modules work correctly and return keyword search results on the post edit page.

  5. To include videos in your articles, ensure that you activate the Youtube module. However, keep in mind that the default Youtube API has limits, allowing you to add up to 100 videos in a day.

  6. Recommended: Install and activate the Greenshift plugin for enhanced content formatting.

Pro tip: Save Content Egg settings to a text file for quick import on new sites (Content Egg > Import/Export).

2. Too Much Niche

  1. Install and activate the Too Much Niche plugin.

  2. Familiarize yourself with the manual for niche selection.

  3. Follow the simple wizard prompts to initiate the article generation process for your site.

3. Sit back and relax

Please allow the plugin sufficient time to complete its task. On average, generating one article takes 3-5 minutes. The time required to generate the entire site depends on the number of articles:

  • 30 articles - from 1.5 hours

  • 100 articles - from 5 hours

  • 300 articles - from 15 hours

Note: Too Much Niche seamlessly utilizes WP cron for its operations, eliminating the need for additional settings. Even if your website doesn't have significant traffic to trigger WP cron, rest assured that our servers will automatically ping your cron script to ensure uninterrupted functionality of the plugin in the background.

After completing the generation and posting of all articles, you have the option to deactivate and remove the Too Much Niche plugin (while keeping Content Egg Pro) from your site. However, it's important to note that by doing so, some additional functions will become unavailable.

Creating an Etsy Affiliate Website: A Step-by-Step Guide

This detailed step-by-step video guides you from purchasing hosting and installing a theme, to generating articles and adding a sitemap to Google Console. While this video focuses on the Etsy affiliate program, you can apply a similar approach to other affiliate programs, including Amazon.

Last updated